Cooling Baths for Runners

​Whilst cold water therapy after training is a debatable subject in the sporting world, I am at a point with my own training where I am now increasing the run length and pushing my muscles beyond their comfort level regarding distance.
I have found that home stretching and rolling is helping me get through my day so I can move more easily but to now make the longer distances my muscles need to be less fatigued and sore.

So the obvious treatment I will increase is my remedial massage. I will now increase this to an hour treatment every 2-3 weeks.

After some runs, I have also started to incorporate cool baths that have Bi-Carb or Epsom salt added (which ever I have available at home).  For me this has made a considerable difference in my muscle recovery the next day.

 Even though I am not using the ice bath method, a cool bath still has a similar effect. Exposure to cold therapy causes your blood vessels to constrict thereby helping combat small tears in the muscle fibres, reduce inflammation and swelling in the tissues and improves recovery and soreness.

Remedial massage can also cause an inflammatory response in the body.  It does this so the body can kick start your natural healing response.  But as like with exercise, we can sometimes over work areas leading to muscle soreness where ice therapy like cold packs may be required after a treatment. Baths are also recommended.
The debate in the sporting world lies at whether cold therapy after training is good for muscle growth and therefore performance in the future.

For me, I am going to listen to my body and do what feels right.  Cool baths have greatly increased my energy and have reduced the fatigue in my legs. As a positive side affect of lighter legs, I now feel more confident with increasing the run distance and I am back to enjoying my time on the road. So this home remedy combined with body work therapy will definitely get me through to my next hurdle!

In health,
Carly Allen
Remedial Massage Therapist


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