Our Services

Discover the wide range of therapeutic massage services designed to restore your body and mind at Remedial Movement. Our expert practitioners offer:

  • Sports Massage and Remedial Massage to alleviate muscle tension and enhance performance

  • Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Therapy to target stubborn knots and chronic pain

  • Stretching & Joint Loosening for increased flexibility and mobility

  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage for chronic conditions, detoxification and rejuvenation of your body

  • Dry Needling and Cupping to relieve deep-seated tension and promote circulation

  • Myotherapy and Reflexology tailored to address specific concerns for holistic well-being

  • Energy Healing (Reiki) to balance your energy and foster self-healing

At Remedial Movement, each treatment is crafted to meet your unique needs, empowering you to achieve optimal health and vitality. Embrace the transformative power of our services and embark on your journey to wellness today.


Sports & Remedial massage is a great benefit for those that partake in high intensity exercise and activities. It will give you faster recovery times and will improve injuries and your muscle health.

Remedial massage is wonderful in assisting the body recover and heal from chronic conditions and injuries.  

Physical benefits of massage & myotherapy include:

  • reduced muscle tension

  • improved circulation

  • stimulation of the lymphatic system

  • reduction of the stress hormone

  • promotes mind and body relaxation

  • increased joint mobility and flexibility

  • improved skin tone

  • improved recovery of soft tissue injuries


Myotherapy is a holistic and comprehensive treatment style that has a strong emphasis on dysfunctional musculoskeletal conditions, injuries and diseases.

Myotherapy is a combination of manual therapies, re-patterning and rehabilitative exercises, client education and advice to provide long term relief and results for the client.  Essentially, Myotherapy starts to bridge the gap between Remedial Massage and Physio.  

Techniques can included:

  • Corrective Exercises

  • Dry Needling

  • Cupping

  • Trigger Point Therapy

  • Muscle Energy Techniques

  • Neuromuscular Techniques

  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)​

  • Myofascial Release / hands on remedial techniques

  • Alignment Correction 


Dry Needling (DN) is a common technique and  works with single-use sterile needles to normalise chemicals and the pH level in the muscle. 
This will restore circulation which will deactivate Trigger Points (TrPs), improve your range of motion and decrease pain sensations.
DN has also been shown to activate the fibroblast cells which are responsible for mediating immunity, inflammation and blood cell formation. 

It also has a neurological effect by linking the muscle and brain directly together which is referred to as a Local Twitch Response (LTR). This is typically felt when targeting a TrP. If you have multiple TrPs that are active throughout the body our brain can get confused as to where the pain is coming from. By initiating a LTR the brain is able to tell the muscle to 'turn off' the pain pattern and normalise the TrP.


Traditional Acupuncture is based on the East Asian Medicine (EAM) approach which includes various assessment methods and diagnosis based on EAM paradigms.

DN is used to alter dysfunctional tissue to improve or restore function. Areas that are targeted in a DN session are Myofascial TrPs, periosteum (vascular connective tissue) & soft tissue.

This treatment method is fantastic for those with chronic pain, Fibromyalagia, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches/migraines and/or injuries.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0466 556 706!


Lymphatic drainage massage is an extremely gentle, rhythmic and flowing massage that targets the lymphatic system alone.

This style of massage is targeting a very superficial body system that only requires a light touch compared to direct soft tissue work like remedial massage.

The lymphatic system contains capillaries, vessels, nodes and blood vessels (which are major ducts that empty into the thymus region back towards the heart).   The lymph nodes are extremely important as they filter and clean incoming lymph and produce immune competent T & B cells. Clearing these superficial or deeper clusters will assist the system in detoxification of metabolic waste.

The lymphatic system is a one way system that has no pump unlike the circulatory system.  Simple body movement & the action of breathing helps to push the lymphatic fluid through the lymph vessels which are called lymphangions. This is a very slight muscle contraction at 6 contractions per minute. The lymphatic fluid is then slowly returned back to the heart and to the blood stream.
The main aim of this system is to recover essential interstitial fluid (containing blood plasma & proteins) that is lost from the circulatory system within the capillary beds. Up to 2-3 litres of water and 50% of blood protein is lost from the circulation system per day (10% of circulatory fluid).  Through this ‘mop’ up system it is then re-established back into the body’s blood stream to ensure the body maintains a healthy balance.

This system is extremely sluggish and slow, circulating between 1.5 to 2 litres of Lymph per day.  With lymphatic massage it can be increased up to 6 litres per day which is a large increase.  

The clinical intent of this massage is to:

  • Stimulate the lymphatic system to reabsorb & transport lymph more effectively

  • Stimulate immune system

  • Encourage relaxation to reduce the sensation of pain

  • Assist with removal of metabolic waste from the tissue

  • Assist clients that have had sections of the lymph system removed due to cancer

Lymphatic massage will assist with:

  • Sinusitis/hay fever                                          

  • Oedema reduction (pregnancy)                   

  • Pain relief (fibromyalgia)                               

  • Chronic inflammation                                     

  • Strains, Sprains and bruising

  • Soft tissue damage           

  • Post sporting event inflammation 

  • Dentistry

  • Lymphoedema

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Pre/post surgery

Results of treatment will vary in every case. A client that is suffering from swollen limbs, will normally see a reduction in oedema directly after treatment and will continue to do so for up to 12 hours post treatment.  For a client that is relatively healthy and active the challenge of this treatment might be that you feel it hasn’t done anything.  However, if your system is compromised by any of the above, you may feel less fatigued/stressed, lighter and relaxed.

If you suffer from any form of cancer, heart condition or chronic inflammation medical clearance from your treating practitioner will be required.


Reiki is an ancient healing art that focuses on our innate self-healing abilities. The practitioner is working with the body’s quantum energy field (or aura), to assist the body to rebalance its energy centres (chakras) or the field itself. During healing states, our bodies can resonate at certain frequencies and in the scientific community this is known as our Human Energy Field. When we meet these frequencies, we have the ability to restore flow where there is restriction or stagnation. Blockages in the field can present when we have limiting beliefs, negative thoughts or emotions about ourselves, negative lifestyle patterns, neglected or wounded Inner Child or unresolved past traumas, all of which can disrupt our bodies natural energy life force flow which can result in physical body ailments or disease, difficulties with making decisions or moving forward with different aspects of life and/or relationship issues.

Reiki aims at cleansing, balancing and healing whilst shifting our nervous systems from fight/flight (SNS) to rest/digest (PNS) which ultimately provides the cells in your body the opportunity to heal, taking you out of body survival and into a state of self-healing. Although not a miracle cure, there is a wide range of illness, injuries and health conditions Reiki can assist with and is also great for preventative care where you are wanting to maintain your health for ultimate living by raising your body frequency & vibration.

For those that are living in a state of fight/flight with a compromised vagus nerve (gut/brain response)

due to a chronic condition or stress, this style of treatment is ideal for assisting you on your healing

journey & beyond.

Reiki can:

  • support the body’s natural ability to heal itself

  • clear the body of toxins thus encouraging natural cleansing

  • promote healing by balancing the chakras

  • support and enhance other healing systems and reduce side effects

  • provide complete relaxation

  • relieve pain

  • increase creativity

  • establish mental equilibrium and emotional balance

  • bring about spiritual upliftment

Within Reiki treatments you may feel your practitioner's hands hovering above you or positioned on your body at specific locations. Both the practitioner and client must work together in this form of treatment, meaning, you must be open and willing to experience the healing modality of Reiki.

When we can open our minds to the fact that everything is energy and this is our living experience, we then realise that this aspect of our being can be influencing our lives and health. This gentle yet powerful treatment has the ability to assist you in coming back to your centre where you can begin to naturally heal.

How do I know it is working?

This is a very common question that clients have prior to a reiki session. Although this treatment is very subjective to the client’s experience, there can be a few common experiences with the sessions:

  • you can feel hot or cold spots

  • you can feel tingling, body twitching or jerking

  • your stomach can make gurgling sounds (which is your nervous system switching


  • you can be swallowing more

  • Intense relaxation, comfort or falling asleep in treatment

  • taking you beyond a thinking space (much like meditation)

If you would like to discuss this form of treatment or you would like to start your healing journey, Carly would

love to hear from you.

For all Reiki session with Carly, please reach out directly as they will not be available online.

You can contact her on 0466 556 706 or via email carly@remedialmovement.com.au

When we can open our minds to the fact that everything is energy and this is our living experience, we then

realise that this aspect of our being can be influencing our lives and health.
Although casual sessions are very beneficial for your health, if you are wanting to make long-lasting changes,

session blocks are advised. True healing is a process and an inner journey that requires time & integration. 

It is truly a gift that you give yourself when you make the time to commitment to your own inner healing journey. 


Reflexology is a technique that targets different areas of the body using massage on the feet only.   A treatment that will generate significant relaxation in the body by applying pressure to certain points in the feet, it will also help relieve anxiety, tension, improve mood and encourage better sleep.
This technique can have significant reduction of fluid, whether that is in an affected limb or elsewhere in the system. The Reflexology techniques can also assist with many conditions some of which are:

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Asthma

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Migraines

  • General aches and pains

  • Lymphoedema & other chronic conditions

  • Skin issues


Here at REMEDIAL MOVEMENT we want to encourage better, free, flow!

Three wonderful treatment packages have been thoughtfully combined to ensure that we can maximise flow in our sessions. 

The appointment duration time will be 105 minutes long to ensure that both modalities can have time to tap into your blockages and stagnation areas in the body to encourage the letting go process.


This treatment will consist of lymphatic & Reiki modalities combined to achieve increased lymphatic flow in session.
Reiki is an ancient healing art that focuses on our innate self-healing abilities. The practitioners hand positions are customarily placed or hover above the skin and tend to follow the body’s endocrine and lymphatic system which also focuses on our seven main energy chakras. With combing the soft touch treatment of lymphatic drainage, we can encourage a deeper healing experience.

Both the practitioner and client must work together in this form of treatment, meaning, you must be open and willing to experience the healing modality of Reiki. The practitioner will construct a personalised treatment depending on your presenting conditions and concerns and will intertwine the two modalities to aid in shifting blockages.

As these treatments can have a strong detoxifying effect due to the duration of the treatment, it is advised that any new clients with chronic conditions should first have a shorter Lymphatic treatment to start the detoxification process. If you are already in a Lymphatic Drainage Treatment Plan, this combination package could take your treatments to the next level.
From a energy perspective, during healing states, our bodies can resonate at certain frequencies. This is scientifically known as our Human Energy Field. When we can open our minds to the fact that everything is energy and this is our living experience, we then realise that this aspect of our being can be influencing our lives and health.
Scientific studies are now proving that the body’s energy field certainly exist and is medically important in the healing process and incorporating the concept of metaphysics in treatments can round off the holistic healing journey.
Combining lymphatic and Reiki together will push your healing to new multidimensional heights.

To make a booking please ensure you call 0466 556 706. Due to appointment duration this appointment type cannot be made online.
If you have any questions regarding this new package, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Reflexology is a technique that targets different areas of the body using massage on the feet only. It can focus on stimulating the whole lymphatic system using lymphatic reflexes on the feet. 

This is a treatment that will generate significant relaxation in the body by applying pressure to certain points, it will also help relieve anxiety, tension, improve mood and encourage better sleep. 
With combining this technique with lymphatic drainage massage you can have significant reduction of fluid, whether that is in an affected limb or elsewhere in the system. 

The Reflexology techniques can also assist with many conditions some of which are:
• Arthritis
• Chronic fatigue
• Asthma
• Fibromyalgia
• Migraines
• General aches and pains
• Lymphoedema & other chronic conditions
• Skin issues

To make a booking please ensure you call 0466 556 706.
Due to appointment duration this appointment type can not be made online.
The practitioner that will be offering this package is Caroline. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine therapy that has been known as a symptom management tool for cancer pain, lymphatic issues, nausea, vomiting, low immunity, anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, general aches and pain, dementia and end of life symptoms.

With AromaTouch Massage the skin absorbs the molecules of the oil that travel to the pulmonary blood vessels, blood stream, organs and tissues. With this absorption the essential oils can trigger a mental and physiological response, generating a reduction in stress which can enhance the healing process.

As some oils can be very strong it is important to disclose if you have any skin conditions that may be aggravated by the essential oil. Not only that, it is important for you to be open and honest with your practitioner regarding your health so that the correct oils can be effectively blended for your specific health requirements.
Combining the two modalities together can not only heighten your healing, it can also be a source of comfort and lift your mood in times of life changing and challenging situations.

The practitioner that will be offering this package is, Diana Nino.
To make an appointment please ensure you call 0466 556 706.
Due to appointment duration this appointment type can not be made online.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


30 minute treatment:   $75 — $80
45 minute treatment:   $95 - $100
60 minute treatment:   $115 - $120
90 minute treatment:   $165 - $170

Can include: Cupping/Dry Needling/Alignment Correction   
30 minute treatment:   $80 -$85
45 minute treatment:   $100 - $105
60 minute treatment:   $123 - $128
90 minute treatment:   $170 - $173 
(Price point can vary dependent on practitioner)

Can include: Remedial Massage/Alignment Correction/Cupping/Dry Needling/Corrective Exercises/
Multiple System Treatment/Wellness Education & Goal Setting

30 minute treatment:   $85
45 minute treatment:   $110
60 minute treatment:   $130
90 minute treatment:   $180

30 minute treatment:   $85
45 minute treatment:   $110
60 minute treatment:   $130
90 minute treatment:  $180 (Full body treatment)

60 minute treatment:  $128


*For all sessions with Carly please contact directly as they will not be available online*
​45 minute treatment:   $110
60 minute treatment:   $130
90 minute treatment:  $180

​105 minute treatment:   Lymphatic & Reiki or Reflexology or AromaTouch - $210

Cancelation policy applies

Please note: Online bookings for 90 minute appointments are not available. If you are interested in an 90 minute appointment please contact 0466 556 706 to discuss available appointment times. Thank you for your understanding.

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