The Body Will Always Take the Path of Least Resistance!

Ever wondered why it can be hard to make the change you need to make in your life? Why it's actually so hard to start that exercise program you said you would start on Monday or drinking the extra litre of water your body is crying out for?

We all get stuck in habits, poor lifestyle choices, emotional &/or pain patterns. When you make the step to change a habit or start a new one your brain will release dopamine, a feel good hormone which is essential for this process to occur which is called Neuroplasticity, the ability for neurons to change their function, shape & reorganisation or simply put, to REWIRE your brain.

The more you actively participate in the new activity, thought pattern or whatever you are wanting to change in your body or life, you will be embedding this new neural pathway into your system making it a super highway were after a while you will no longer have to actively think or push yourself to do it. It will feel like second nature, easy & apart of your routine.

Think of it like driving to the coast. We all know that the quickest way to get there is the direct highway. It's the way we have always gone - we know this way. We take this path but always know that we will be sitting in traffic for 2 hours and one day we finally wake up & say "hey, today I don't want to sit in traffic anymore so I'm going to take another route". So, we map out our new path. We start using this new route every time we go to the coast & then all of a sudden this new route is second nature, easy & apart of the routine. The old pathway is there but we have made a new super highway.

When you are dealing with chronic pain it can be hard to start to embed new thought patterns or lifestyle changes. It has been reported that if severe pain persists longer than 24 hours, neuroplastic changes occur that are associated with intractable chronic pain so if you have had this pain for a lengthy period of time the pain pathways are going to be like intrenched valleys in your system. But there is always away out. There are ladder's that people can put down and help start the journey up and out and onto a new landscape. Hope, trust, determination, courage & grit are all apart of it. It's not a quick fix but making sure you have the right people around you and all the right tools in your toolbox that you can have is a great start.

Why not start today....

In health,


Why You DON’T Want a Boosted Immune System.


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