Everything happens here on this mat.

Yoga, meditation, self reiki, journaling, TRE, Myofascial Release, crying, sobbing, realisations, ideas, joy, deep peace and a space of love.

This mat is my sacred space. It’s where I come to connect with my inner world, higher self & energies. It’s where I can clear my head and heart to sort through the complexities of life.

Truly, I am not sure where I would be without this time and space in my life. But, it hasn’t been like that forever, and initially I found it hard to make it a regular practice in the early days. Now so many moons down the track, I understand it to be an absolute necessity and a non-negotiable part of my life.

I have been on what seems to be a spiritual healing journey for some time now, and I am aware that the journey is forever ongoing as life is a constant changing landscape which requires adaptability. To withstand the winds of life (and let’s be honest they can be cyclones depending on the life season/lesson being learnt) I have just naturally looked within to identify how I play a role in whatever is presenting itself so I can take responsibility for my own part, make changes within (if needed of course), learn how to accept other parts of myself (as uncomfortable as they are) that need healing, and/or to surrender to just what simply ‘is’ at times. This deep diving into one’s self can be hard for others to understand but it is how I naturally work, live & heal. I feel that my external world offers me signs for what is working, what needs tweaking and want needs changing within my internal world.

The past few years have been challenging times for so many & I am not excluded from these challenges. But this mat has been my life raft in what has been some pretty rocky seas, and I feel more than blessed and grateful that I have adapted my life to fit it in.
From my own experience, what I have learnt is that I can now link what is occurring in my external environment to an aspect I am meant to learn and release from my internal environment. This is either by bringing awareness to or releasing negative patterns, belief systems, emotions, feelings or trauma. When one is going through these releases it can look slightly chaotic in the external world but I now feel confident and trust not only myself but the world around me that there is method to the madness.

“As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.” ~ Hermetic Trimegistus

Looking at life in this way is by means not the easiest path, but I personally feel it means that I’m trying my best to be solution focused and continually learning and growing. In the end what it does offer is an ability to gain a deeper understanding into my make up, let go of things that no longer serve me and offers an opportunity to create something new from the space that I have created. The other end of the process can be liberating, exciting & new.

Our emotional beliefs, thought patterns and any situation that feels like it is weighing you down can stop the ‘life force’ flow. When flow is stagnant, negative force builds and unwanted ailments can then develop within our physical and mental bodies.
I often think about our world at large and the chaos that we seem to be enduring. If everything truly is “so within, so without”, imagine if we all turned inward what our external world might look like. On a mass scale it could make profound shifts and our external world could then again be liberating, exciting and new. Food for thought..?

Besides myofascial release, remedial massage and yoga (which all concentrate on the physical and emotional bodies), reiki has been a game changer in shifting my energetic body blockages. From my own experience, I have noticed that changes can come quick and fast from the treatments but in turn so can the healing.
There are many healing modalities that can assist our journey and can help with signs, symptoms and to simply cope with presenting aliments. Use them. Find the practitioners that fit with you.

When you choose to work with me, you can be guaranteed that I will see you as a sister or brother and will let you have the space you need to heal. I will offer support and guidance on the things I can and I will work with you on your healing journey. I feel blessed to have a like-minded team around me and we are all passionate about what we do and live by. We are a team that works together and all have a variety of different skill sets that can benefit different levels and aspects of your healing.

The only thing that we know that doesn’t change is change itself. Knowing how to calm ourselves in the face of change and/or healing is a gift you can give yourself, because you deserve it. If you make the time and space in your life, you will be amazed at what you see.

I am looking forward to seeing what 2024 will bring and I am excited to work with you all.

In health,


Poor Posture?