Poor Posture?

Having poor posture can affect many aspects of our body and can lead to neck pain, headaches, jaw problems, poor breathing capacity, shoulder tension, shoulder and arm injuries and dysfunctions, lower back pain and tight leg muscles.

When we are focused on a specific task, we can lose insight as to how we are positioning ourselves. What often wakes us up is pain and the need to get rid of it.

Alongside body work where assessment, treatment, feedback and guidance can be provided, having a mindful approach to correcting the dysfunction is essential. The objective is to increase your body awareness so self assessment in a mirror or photo could assist you.

Its about linking the mind and body together so you can truly feel where you are in space.

When our neck, shoulders and diaphragm are out of alignment this will cause pelvic torsion leading to full body discomfort. A good way to increase your awareness of how your pelvis is sitting is through pelvic tilts. This can either be done through a standing position or 'cat/cow pose' on all fours. If you are in the standing position, rocking the pelvis back and forth will create a sense of integration between your feet, knees and pelvis. The whole concept is rocking until you find a neutral pelvis.
Combining the home care mind-body exercises and remedial treatments on your anterior chest/neck, abdominal, hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, erectors spinae and lumbar area's will start to integrate improved whole-body movement, freedom and flow.

Releasing the body's mental and physical tension will assist you in holding yourself, upright, proud, open and neutral which will decrease your pain so you can get back to doing what you love.

In health,


Everything happens here on this mat.


​LYMPHATICS - One for the ladies…