Sciatic pain?

Sciatic pain can be caused by a multitude of reasons. Some of the most common causes are:

> Prolonged sitting or deskwork
> Weakness in the gluteal muscles causing an over-worked piriformis (generally affecting runners)
> Biomechanical abnormalities

As the sciatic nerve runs through the piriformis muscle (the deepest muscle in the glutes), a fatigued or overworked piriformis can become tight leading to loss of strength and function.

At times foam rolling or excessive massage on this area can make sciatic pain worse as it can further aggravate the sciatic nerve. Remedial treatments for this condition should release the gluteus but have more focus on the muscles following the nerve pathway into the lower leg compartments. Other areas of focus should be the TFL and abdominal muscles. Dry Needling and cupping are excellent for relieving this area and when all techniques are combined it can have positive outcomes for the condition.

When you are at home and seeking further relief, why not try and stretch the opposite leg as an alternative. This can aid in compensation patterns and start to relieve dysfunctional myofascial lines.

As a general rule: Nerves HATE heat. If you have nerve pain, use cool packs instead. If you use heat, you will only further aggravate the nerve leading to more pain.

If you are suffering from this condition, one of our qualified practitioners would love to discuss treatment options with you. You can call 0466 556 706 or head online to make an appointment today.

In health,


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