​LYMPHATICS - One for the ladies…

Feminine energy requires nurturing at times.

As women we are the care givers, the supportive and grounded energy that carries those around us through the busy states we live in. Our intuitive, trusting, strong and compassionate nature can at times become fatigued in the struggle to keep everything and everyone ticking along. This fatigue can play havoc on our endocrine system if we don't take the time to slow down and take care of ourselves.

This alongside general hormonal shifts and changes each month or life stage cycles, can lead to lymphatic issues, causing flow to be restricted and blocked. When this occurs, you can feel excessively tired, having weight you cannot shift (even after trying everything), brain fog, skin issues, sleep issues and more body aches and pains for no reason. Taking control of the situation can feel overwhelming once we have hit a certain point but knowing that small changes can make quick improvements is the life raft.

Having long term lymphatic issues is not good for your body as it means you are holding onto toxins. Toxins that over time can build and generate chronic health conditions when at times they can be prevented if you notice the signs early. "I'm just getting older" doesn't have to be the mantra. Taking control and seeking out alternative methods is the best place to start.

Taking control means being honest with yourself.
How many coffees are you having every day?
How much down time a week do you actually get for yourself?
How much water are you drinking?
How much alcohol do you consume?
What is your diet like?
What are your selfcare practices and are they supporting feminine flow?
What is your state of mind and thought patterns currently?
When was the last time you had a detox?

Lymphatic drainage massage can positively support the shifts that you are looking for and with a combination of you supporting your diet (herbs/tea/greens), lifestyle, dry brushing, breast massage, breath work, pelvic floor and your feminine energy with gentle, energetic practices, flow can return to your body & life.

If you would like to discuss treatment options or if you know this treatment will be for you, head to our website or call 0466 556 706 to make an appointment today.

In health,


Poor Posture?


Sciatic pain?